A collection of vision encounters
by Douglas Tews

This book is the story of a journey
A man’s pursuit for greater intimacy with God. Doug Tews shares over 50 amazing God encounters experienced as a result of his pursuit.
As a believer, Doug was gripped by stories of Moses and his encounters with God. He would inwardly yearn while reading verses like Exodus 33:11— “The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend.” He mused, “Today we are under a superior covenant…surely we should be able to experience God on the same level…”
In his book, Doug refrains from sharing only mountain top experiences. That would not paint a realistic picture. Rather, he includes incidents of falling short and learning. As such, his journey is honestly portrayed, trusting readers will learn from his mistakes, as well as successes. Above all, Doug’s journey confirms the glorious reality—
God still desires to speak with His children face to face!

“Encounters with Jesus has made a profound impact on my life. It is a powerful resource to help me easily enter into His presence. It has ignited a desire, a new passion, for more of the Lord – to seek His face like never before…”
—Rev. Gary Oates
Author, “Open My Eyes, Lord”

“In Encounters with Jesus, Doug Tews has passionately pursued the world of the Spirit. He has learned to use the eyes and ears of his heart, even as Jesus did…this book will inspire you to go further and deeper into the world of the Spirit.”
—Dr. Mark Virkler
Author, “4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice”